MiniMakers Cancellation & Return Policy
At Minimakers, we understand that there may be circumstances where it becomes necessary to reschedule or cancel events. Listed below are some of the common reasons why events need to be rescheduled or cancelled and what the procedure is.
Some of the main reasons for rescheduling or cancelling events are:
Conflicting schedules:
The parent is unable to bring their child to the event due to their schedule not aligning with the event. In this event, the parent must notify the studio at least 7 days prior to the event start date for us to be able to reschedule their date .
Weather Conditions:
When weather conditions pose a safety risk to participants, staff, or affect the feasibility of conducting the event. Weather conditions are monitored to assess the safety of conduction of the event.
Low Attendance:
When the number of registered participants is significantly lower than the required minimum for the event to be successful or enjoyable.
When the projected cost of hosting the event exceeds the potential revenue, making it financially unsustainable.
Attendance is assessed at least two weeks prior to the event.
Unforeseen or Uncontrollable Circumstances:
In cases of unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances (e.g., natural disasters, emergencies), where the 7-day rule cannot be followed, staff should use their best judgment and prioritize safety and the well-being of participants. In such situations, immediate communication with participants is still essential to issue rescheduling.
Issue of credit:
In the case the participant is unable to be rescheduled to a desired date, the issuance of credit will be provided to the parent of equivalent value that can be used for future registration of future minimakers products or services.